AMA Victoria


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Here’s an update on a few of the issues AMA Victoria is working on for members, including:

  • Health Services Plan update
  • Vaccine ordering update
  • Consultation- Proposed regulation reform for medication administration by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers.

Health Services Plan update

AMA Victoria has previously informed members of our ongoing efforts to advocate for transparent communication regarding the Victorian Government’s Health Services Plan. This initiative, as described by the Government, aims to consider the optimal design and governance of the public health system, with a focus on improving care for all Victorians by enhancing collaboration among public health services. The goal is for reform to address the fragmented delivery of healthcare by promoting a more integrated approach, streamlining patient journeys, ensuring continuity of care and reducing the inefficiencies caused by the current decentralised system.

In response to our advocacy for greater transparency regarding the plan, the Department of Health has produced a document, which we have made available to our members for their information. This can be found here.

AMA Victoria remains committed to supporting health service reform in principle. We recognise the potential benefits of such reform, including improved care coordination, streamlined referral pathways, reduced fragmentation, workforce stability and development, effective utilisation of virtual care, advancements in IT infrastructure, and alleviation of administrative burdens on practitioners through streamlined credentialing processes.

It is of paramount importance to AMA Victoria that any reform to Victorian health services aligns with our broader advocacy goals. These goals encompass improvements to working conditions for public hospital doctors, enhancement of digital maturity in health services across Victoria (including the sharing of IT skills and capabilities between relevant health services), better compensation for doctors and students training or practicing in rural areas, adequate equipment for clinical services, provision of additional rural training opportunities, and reduction of duplication, unnecessary paperwork, and streamlined workloads for medical practitioners.

We will continue to engage with the Government (we most recently met with the Victorian Minister for Health on Tuesday 4 June) with a focused determination to ensure that any reforms meet these objectives.

Vaccine ordering update

AMA Victoria has previously written to members regarding the current availability of flu and COVID vaccines. We relayed that many practices have expressed frustration, stating that they have been unable to place orders for weeks, resulting in numerous instances of turning away patients due to insufficient supplies. We further informed members that we reached out to the Victoria Department of Health to explore ways in which we can collaborate more effectively to achieve the crucial goal of enhancing vaccine access.

The Department has subsequently advised that National Immunisation Program (NIP) influenza vaccine ordering limits have been lifted, marking a significant success for AMA Victoria's advocacy.

If problems persist in accessing vaccines, please contact AMA Victoria’s Senior Policy Adviser, Lewis Horton, at [email protected].

Consultation- Proposed regulation reform for medication administration by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers

Advised by the Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Partnership Forum (AHWPF), the lead decision making body for Aboriginal health and wellbeing in Victoria, the Victorian Department of Health is proposing to allow registered Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners (ATSIHPs) and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers (ATSIHWs) to possess and administer specified scheduled medications under the supervision of an authorised prescriber (medical or nurse practitioner). This follows an earlier regulatory reform authorising registered ATSIHPs to administer vaccines. More details on the proposed reform can be found here.

AMA Victoria is keen to hear members’ perspectives on this proposal, which will be relayed to the Department. Members can share their views with Senior Policy Adviser, Lewis Horton, at [email protected].