AMA Victoria

The AMA Victoria Awards showcase the contribution of the medical profession to the community and supports the work of our members and the broader medical profession. Join us as we recognise achievements made by individuals in the pursuit of outstanding healthcare in Victoria.



Checklist of Documents Required for Application

  • Copy of curriculum vitae (CV);
  • An application letter; and
  • Two reference letters

Up to three (3) finalists will be identified by the selection panel for each category, and a President’s Award will be chosen by the AMA Victoria President. If there is only one single application for a particular award, the award will not proceed in the given year. 

All finalists will receive a framed certificate. Winners will receive a trophy and a certificate.

The recipient of the President’s Award will receive a medal and a certificate.


Nominees or nominators should read the relevant criteria and submit applications to AMA Victoria's Strategic Partnerships and Events Manager, Frances Morell at [email protected]. Submissions are due by Thursday, 31 October 2024. 


Successful category finalists will be asked to participate in a thirty second video and full colour photo for promotional purposes only. 


Awards are presented biannually in a special Zoom event at least one week prior to the AMAV March Council Meeting.

  • Finalist Participation: Finalists attend an online Zoom meeting at least one-week prior council meeting, open to all members but expectations managed so that finalists don’t expect the Zoom meeting to be highly attended. CEO and President of AMA Victoria are present along with AMAV Board members (who are available) and AMAV Executive and any relevant sponsors.
  • Announcement: Winners are announced by President of AMA Victoria or, if possible, by family members of those after whom the awards are named.

Winners will be featured in VICDOC (including a photoshoot).

Coverage in Check Up and The Doctors Room Podcast.

AMAV President to report to Council on the winners of the awards.

  • Nominees for all categories except the President’s Award must be Victorian doctors. Nominees must be ordinarily residing in and principally engaged in practice in Victoria.   
  • Nominees need not be AMA Victoria members.
  • The President’s Award nominees are not required to be doctors.
  • A junior doctor (a doctor in training) is defined as a registered medical practitioner employed by a Health Service as a Hospital Medical Officer, Medical Officer, Senior Medical Officer, Registrar or a person enrolled in a General Practice Training Program.
  • A senior doctor is defined as a doctor who:

    (i) holds Specialist Registration with the Medical Practitioners Board of Australia under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009 (Vic); or

    (ii) possesses a Higher Qualification appropriate to the speciality in which they are employed or has sufficient experience in their speciality to satisfy the Health Service that the appointment is warranted.
  • Nominations may be made by the nominee or by another person such as a colleague or mentor.
  • Previous Award winners and finalists are not eligible to apply. 
  • All eligible applications and referee letters will be considered by the section panel.
  • Applicants who are deemed ineligible will be advised in writing. Correspondence will not be entered regarding applications deemed ineligible.
  • The AMA Victoria Awards three (3) person judging panel will be determined by the AMA Victoria Board. The judging panel will not include anyone from the AMA Victoria Board. A suitable doctor-in-training judge will be included on the judging panel for consideration of the Junior Doctor Award. In the event of a tie for the Junior Doctor Award, the CEO of AMA Victoria will be the deciding vote.
  • Any member of the judging panel who has a conflict of interest must notify AMA Victoria upon becoming aware of that conflict and any conflicted Committee member is required to be absent from discussion or voting in relation to the relevant nominee.



This award recognises outstanding achievement of a senior doctor who has undertaken pioneering work in medical practice, education or research, preventative health or patient advocacy.

Applicants will need to demonstrate that their work has achieved national or international prominence in one or more of the following areas:

  • Medical research, education or practice;
  • Preventative healthcare; or
  • Patient advocacy

Applicants should provide a curriculum vitae (CV) and a letter of no more than three pages (12-point font) outlining how their work has achieved national or international prominence. Applicants may consider including any relevant research projects, education, studies, teaching, advocacy or other work. 

Applicants may also be called upon by the Selection Panel to provide evidence of claims made within any of the submitted documentation.

Judging Criteria

Criteria Weighting
Demonstrates effective and inclusive behaviour 20
Can demonstrate pioneering work in medical practice, education or research, preventative health or patient advocacy. 40
The nominee’s work has achieved national or international significance 10
The nominee’s efforts have made or have the potential to make a significant impact on the medical profession or the broader community. 30



The Award recognises a doctor in training who has made an outstanding contribution to the medical profession and/or the community.  It can be awarded for significant achievement in areas such as teaching and education; leadership and advocacy; doctors’ wellbeing and community service.

Applicants should provide a curriculum vitae (CV) and a letter of no more than three pages (12-point font) outlining how they have made an outstanding contribution to the medical profession and the community. Applicants may consider including any relevant examples in teaching and education, leadership and advocacy or examples of the applicant’s contribution to doctors’ wellbeing and community service.

Applicants may also be called upon by the Selection Panel to provide evidence of claims made within any of the submitted documentation.

Judging Criteria

Criteria Weighting
Demonstrates effective and inclusive behaviour 20
Can demonstrate outstanding effort and contribution to the medical profession and/or the broader community through one or more of the following teaching, education, leadership, advocacy, doctors’ wellbeing and/or community service.  40
Demonstrates leadership potential 10
The nominee’s efforts have made or have the potential to make a significant impact on the medical profession or the broader community. 30



The award recognises a person who has made an exceptional contribution to the safety, health and/or wellbeing of doctors through advocacy, education, leadership or other highly dedicated efforts.

Applicants will need to demonstrate that their work has enhanced the health and wellbeing of his or her colleagues or the wider community through advocacy, education, leadership or other highly dedicated efforts.

Judging Criteria

Criteria Weighting
Demonstrates effective and inclusive leadership 20
Exceptional contribution to the safety, health and/or wellbeing of doctors through advocacy, education, leadership or other highly dedicated efforts  30
Acts as a positive role model to other healthcare workers 10
The impact of the work is significant or has the potential to be significant 40



The AMA Victoria President’s Award may be made to a person, not necessarily a medical practitioner, who, in the eyes of the AMA President, has made an outstanding contribution toward furthering the objectives of the AMA through advocacy.

The President’s Award is decided by the President of AMA Victoria subject to the endorsement of the AMA Victoria Board.

Judging Criteria

Criteria Weighting
Demonstrates effective and inclusive leadership 20
Demonstrated outstanding contribution to furthering the objectives of AMA   20
Acts as a positive role model to other healthcare workers and the community  20
The impact of the work is significant or has the potential to be significant 20
Demonstrated outstanding advocacy efforts 20


The Mukesh Haikerwal Award for General Practice would recognise a Victorian General Practitioner or General Practice Registrar who has made an outstanding contribution to the medical profession and/or the Victorian community.

It could be awarded for significant achievement in areas such as delivering health services to their community through their General Practice; teaching and research; leadership and advocacy; doctors’ wellbeing and community service.

Judging Criteria

Criteria Weighting
Demonstrates effective and inclusive leadership 20
Demonstrated outstanding contribution to furthering the objectives of AMA   20
Acts as a positive role model to other healthcare workers and the community  20
The impact of the work is significant or has the potential to be significant 20
Demonstrated outstanding advocacy efforts 20


The Prize will be awarded annually and presented at the AGM to the author(s) of a research essay published in the Research Sections of MJA which:

  • reports research on a medical subject of clinical significance;
  • is original and evidence-based; and
  • is likely to advance knowledge, influence clinical practice and improve the health of Australians

The lead author of the research essay must be a graduate of an Australian University.

The articles for review will include January to December publications of the preceding year. This award is accompanied by the monetary prize of $1,000 for the winner, funded by Sir Richard Stawell bequest.

Judging Process

A judging panel will be convened through AMA Victoria’s State Council. Or Retired Doctors Subdivision as appropriate.

Six-person panel will be asked to make a selection (based on the conditions of the Prize) of the best research essays from two MJA Journals (best and second best). If appropriate, an essay of a particularly specialist nature would be referred to another panel judge for comment, or to an external expert advisor. The external expert advisor might be a contact of the panel judge or can be sourced by the Secretariat.

A meeting will be convened of all panel judges to discuss the short list of essays and rank them according to the conditions of the Prize. Finally, a shortlist of three essays would be recommended to the AMA Victoria Board, in order of preference for the Board’s endorsement.