AMA Victoria

1:1 Professional Development Program

9 CPD Hours

"Creating Psychological Safety at Work" is a targeted professional development course for doctors of all levels and pathways. It focuses on fostering psychological safety in teams, crucial for cultivating an inclusive, healthy, and safe workplace culture. The program offers practical, skills-based approaches to create, enhance, and maintain psychological safety.

Psychological safety is defined as feeling secure to express opinions, ask questions, or discuss mistakes without fear of reprisal. Given the collaborative nature of healthcare, this belief is vital.


Program structure

The modular program, delivered one-on-one, consists of self-directed modules and 3 X 1 hour personalised education/coaching sessions delivered via Zoom. The program can be engaged in over 4-8 weeks and is designed to accommodate your busy work schedule. In total, participants receive 9 hours of individualised leadership education.

Program cost

$1760 (inclusive of GST), only available to AMA members.

The Program commences in February 2024 –  To express your interest in the program please submit an Expression of Interest and we will notify you of when enrolments open in early 2025.

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Victorian doctors:


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Teams and teamwork matter in medicine. Work is complex and collaborative. Teams need psychological safety to perform at their best, and all team members and leaders alike can learn the impact of psychological safety and how to create it and sustain it in their team, every day.


This program is for all doctors, at all career stages and all levels – whether you work in teams, lead teams of hold a format leadership role in your workplace. Everyone has a role to play in collaborative work.



The aim of the program is to create deep knowledge and understanding of Psychological Safety and how it contributes to team performance, and the learn the practical skills and behaviours for creating psychological safety in your teams and workplaces.


  • What psychological safety is and how supports team effectiveness and performance
  • Understand the individual and group-level barriers that can get in the way of individuals and team experience psychological safety
  • Understand how psychological safety is a necessary ingredient for complex and diverse teams to reach optimal performance and the recent research findings in this area
  • Understand what psychological safety looks like in terms of what people and teams say and do when psychological safety is present (and assess your current level of psychological safety in current teams)
  • Learn practical skills and behavioural for creating and sustaining psychological safety in your teams (both for team members and leadership roles alike).
  • Create a personalised action plans for setting specific goals and action plans, tailored to specific and current team climates and challenges) that you can begin to implement during this program).