AMA Victoria

Your AMA Victoria coaches are here to help. Read each profile below.

Director, Professional Development and Careers
Coach - Career, brand, organisation and high-performance

Mardi O’Keefe is a senior career management and organisation development professional with 20 plus years of experience working in the corporate, government and health sectors. Mardi is a level 2 IECL certified organisational coach with 100’s of hours of professional coaching experience. She has spent the past 8 years building the AMA Victoria professional development and careers function. During this time, she has developed a range of leadership, professional & career coaching programs specifically designed for the medical profession, while also coaching 100’s of doctors to effectively navigate their careers and take up their professional roles. Mardi is experienced working with doctors from graduation to retirement, in all vocational areas and supports doctors operating at all levels within a health service hierarchy. Mardi has a BSc (Psych) and a MAppSci (Organisation Dynamics) and is a member of Group Relations Australia.

Manager - Career Service and Mentoring Program
Career, Organisation and High-Performance

Carolyn Speed is a seasoned career management professional and executive coach with extensive experience supporting doctors at every stage of their careers, from students to retirees. As a Level 2 IECL certified organisational coach, Carolyn has amassed hundreds of hours in professional coaching, specialising in the medical field. Her deep understanding of training pathways, career progression, the unique challenges of being a doctor today, and health services allows her to guide and support doctors through various transitions, challenges and decision points. Carolyn has played a pivotal role in developing the AMA Victoria Professional Development and Career Service, spearheading initiatives such as interview preparation programs and retirement planning tailored specifically for medical professionals. Before her coaching career, Carolyn worked as a legal professional and consultant bringing diverse expertise from both the private and public sectors as a consultant and senior lawyer.  In addition to her coaching credentials, she holds a BA(Psych) and an LLB(Hons).

Leadership coach and educator

Anna Clark is an experienced consultant, coach, and educator with over 17 years’ experience in designing and developing professional development and education programs across universities and business schools, and for the school education and health sectors. Anna holds a PhD in social psychology, has taught organisational behaviour, communication skills and leadership development in MBA and executive education programs. She currently provides leadership coaching and leadership development programs to help leaders at all levels transition to and thrive in their leadership roles.

Anna is a Level 1 IECL Certified Coach, with hundreds of hours of experience proving tailored leadership coaching and leadership development programs to doctors. Anna also writes regularly for AMA Victoria, publishing on leadership topics highly relevant to the complex care and collaborative leadership required in healthcare settings.

Anna holds a Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psych, with Hons) and PhD in social psychology and held academic positions in psychology and organisational behaviour departments in the Netherlands, France, and Australia.

Career and brand coach

Julia Earle is an expert in career development and talent management. She has over 20 years’ experience across a range of industry sectors including health and has a BA (psych) and post-graduate qualifications in career coaching. Julia has experience coaching individuals from students through to those approaching retirement and takes a client-centred, strengths-based approach to coaching. She has a passion for supporting professionals through career transition, especially as they seek opportunities to develop their expertise or consider pathway options. She also has extensive experience in recruitment and selection processes and supporting individuals to achieve their employment goals.

Career and brand coach

Loretta Hart is an experienced careers and business coach. She is passionate about supporting doctors to build a strong brand that aligns with their values and plays to their strengths. With 15 years of experience in marketing, messaging, sales and business development, Loretta brings a fresh approach to guiding professionals to understand their point of difference.

With hundreds of hours of coaching Loretta is skilled in honing in on key issues, developing people’s confidence and ensuring they know the action that needs to be taken after each session.

Loretta has a BT (Primary), is fascinated by human behaviour and understands the blocks that tend to lead to procrastination and frustration.