AMA Victoria

Do you know a retired doctor who is isolated or living in residential aged care who would benefit from being visited by one of our volunteers? 

The Peer Visitor Program aims to link retired elderly doctors who may be isolated or living in a residential care facility with a volunteer visitor who is also a medical practitioner. The volunteer will undertake to visit the elderly doctor on a regular basis and provide companionship.

For those living in residential care, the service will be provided in conjunction with the existing Aged Care Volunteer Visitors’ Scheme  in your area. For those living at home, the visitor will be provided through AMA Victoria.

Consent must be provided by the doctor wishing to be visited or those nominated to provide consent on their behalf.

If you are interested in being visited or know someone who may benefit from the program and would like to know more, please contact Bethany Alley via email at [email protected].

Volunteering for the Peer Visitor Program

The Peer Visitor Program aims to provide companionship to retired elderly doctor who may be isolated or living in residential aged care. Companions are doctors or medical students. This is an ideal volunteer role for doctors or medical students who have a good rapport with older people and who need to fit in volunteering around a busy schedule. The commitment for visiting is one hour fortnightly. All volunteers are provided with an induction process and support. When visiting in residential aged care, AMA Victoria works in conjunction with the Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme.

To find out more about the program please download the expression of interest form and return to Bethany Alley by email at [email protected].