AMA Victoria

3 November 2022

Kate Jenkins, the Sex Discrimination Commissioner has launched a new website with resources for both employers and employees. The Respect@Work website is the first of its kind in Australia and brings together a comprehensive set of over 100 resources to help prevent and respond to sexual harassment in the workplace.

The website is an initiative of the Australian Human Rights Commission and the Respect@Work Council, and can be accessed at Features include:

  • Training materials
  • Workplace-assessment tools
  • Information
  • Videos
  • Guidance

All material is free and easily accessible.

The aim of this website is to raise awareness and educate in order to prevent sexual harassment. There are also resources for those seeking support after experiencing sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment at work is a significant issue for doctors and medical students. Experiences of harassment are reported to AMA Victoria regularly but often those experiencing harassment are reluctant to take the matter further because of a fear of repercussions. The perpetrators include medical colleagues, patients, other healthcare professionals, lecturers, tutors, and administrators. The harassment is often performed by someone in a position of power and frequently is undertaken in a way which results in it being one person’s word against another. We know that those who speak up about experiencing sexual harassment may experience vilification and reputational damage. This is why expert advice from AMA Victoria is important.

Members of AMA Victoria experiencing sexual harassment are encouraged to contact the Workplace Relations unit for guidance. AMA Victoria can support you to make a formal complaint. If you speak up it may stop this happening to others. Collective action can be more effective, so if you know that others have also experienced sexual harassment by the same perpetrator encourage them to contact AMA Victoria as well.

For assistance and support: