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Post Interview Tips

Your interview is over, but the experience can still hold significant value for you. There will be more interviews during your career regardless of whether you get the job or not.


After the interview, take time to reflect on how you think you went – note down the questions you remember, how you answered (content), your timing and performance.

  • How were your nerves? When did they settle? 
  • Did you get flustered? 
  • Which types of questions do you think you answered the best?
  • What did you struggle with?

What information did you collect during the interview about the role – from how the interviewers (if live) interacted with you or with each other, about the hospital or role.

  • Does this change how you feel about the role?

Seek feedback about your performance if you are not successful and perhaps even if you are. 

  • What will you do with that feedback?
  • What can you do to implement any feedback before your next interview?


Debrief with others or with AMA Victoria after the interview. This is a very valuable step that is often overlooked. What will you put in place for your next interview?

If you would like to debrief with us, please schedule a free 15-minute member benefit career call here

If you would like to further develop your interview performance, you can schedule an interview training package here with a member of our team.

Or, if you believe you are tracking well and want to test your preparedness, you can schedule a practice interview here.

If you have any further questions, please email us at [email protected].

Further reading in the 'it is interview season' series