AMA Victoria

Vicdoc is AMA Victoria’s member magazine. It contains news and in-depth analysis on issues affecting the medical profession in Victoria.

Delivered digitally every quarter, members can stay informed on lobbying and policy developments, industrial relations, employment concerns and medico-legal matters. Vicdoc also offers features stories on individual doctors and news on developments in medicine from Victoria’s research organisations. 

With Vicdoc, members can contribute to debates, raise issues of importance and share their opinions. 

Latest issue

The Winter 2024 VICDOC magazine is now online for you to access at the click of a button.

AMA Victoria members
Read VICDOC at the link below.


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Some of the features you might enjoy in this edition include:

  • Points of growth
    A/Prof Kerryn Ireland-Jenkin has broadened her focus from gynaecological pathology towards organisational leadership. She shares insights from her evolution as a leader, her experience of crisis leadership and the importance of fostering psychological safety. 

  • Voices of change
    Thoughts, reflections and insights on how to improve systems, service delivery and patient outcomes in Victoria from eight public healthcare leaders. 

  • Restoring confidence
    Our advocacy priorities for 2024-25 focus on the theme of Restoring Confidence: Practical Solutions to Address Victoria's Healthcare System Challenges. These priorities build upon the initiatives we have been pursuing since May 2023. AMAV President, Dr Jill Tomlinson, talks us through them. 

  • Embracing change: Why regular tax meetings instil confidence
    In today's ever-evolving financial landscape, the ability to face change with confidence is essential. Regular meetings with your accountant are important for strategic decision-making and adapting to changes in the tax system. 

  • Intergovernmental collaboration can save lives
    In the realm of healthcare, collaboration is not merely a virtue; it's an imperative. Particularly in a federated nation like Australia, where responsibilities are divided between federal, state and territory governments, intergovernmental collaboration is the cornerstone of effective healthcare planning. 

  • Unpacking biases
    Alex Ikanovic, President of the Medical Student Council of Victoria, explores and unpacks the typical medical student's biases about working in rural and regional areas. 

  • Understanding the Ahpra process
    When an Ahpra notification is made against a medical practitioner, it can understandably be an extremely distressing and confusing experience. 

  • Take note: the legalities of consultation transcription software
    As speech recognition and language processing technology improves, new software has recently come onto the market which automatically transcribes patient consultations into structured clinical notes. AMAV's legal partner Kennedys outlines the legalities of using this software in a medical practice.

  • A legacy of community care
    Dr Stewart Booth was a GP, rural healthcare leader, and long-time AMA member who lived and worked in Swan Hill for more than 40 years. We had the honour of speaking with Stewart before he passed away earlier this year.

Contribute to Vicdoc

AMA Victoria welcomes contributions from members.

If you've done something significant in the medical world, know someone who has, or if you simply have an idea for a story, let us know. AMA Victoria accepts proposals for articles from individuals and organisations. These are assessed according to our editorial guidelines.

For editorial submissions, please contact Vicdoc Editor Taryn Sheehy at [email protected].

Copy deadline: 5th of each month prior to publication.

Advertise with us

VICDOC is a great way for businesses serving the medical profession to reach Victorian doctors. 

Noticeboard ads are free for members (two per calendar year and maximum of 50 words). For more information on advertising rates, click here.