AMA Victoria

Benefits and Services Access Policy

1. Non-members are not eligible to access any member benefits or services.

2. If you become a member of AMA Victoria (AMAV), you are not entitled to access Member Workplace Services in relation to a workplace issue or dispute which existed prior to the date you join (Pre-existing Dispute).

3. Member Workplace Services means member services in relation to a workplace issue or dispute including:

a. Mediation services.

b. Representation at the workplace.

c. Advice on escalation of matters to Fair Work or Court.

d. Negotiating individual contracts.

e. Other workplace services by discretion.

4. Member Workplace Services are wherever possible provided objectively  and impartially in the member’s best interests.  If you have accessed Member Workplace Services in relation to a particular workplace issue or dispute and you do not act upon the advice provided by AMAV, or act contrary to it, AMAV may in its absolute discretion decline to provide further Member Workplace Services to you in relation to that workplace issue or dispute.

5. If you become a member of AMAV and would like to access our Professional Development and Career Services, please refer to the separate Professional Development and Careers Service Terms and Conditions on our website at Terms and conditions which apply to those Services.