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Starting your career as a junior doctor means navigating a demanding workload while also managing personal responsibilities outside of work. Whether it’s carer duties, family events, professional development or sports commitments, setting boundaries early is essential to maintaining both your wellbeing and professionalism.

Why boundaries matter

  • Medicine is a profession where there is always more work to be done. The pressure to stay back, take extra shifts, or finish unending tasks can easily consume personal time.
  • Setting boundaries early helps sustain long-term career satisfaction and prevents burnout.
  • Honouring personal commitments does not mean you are unprofessional — it means you are human and managing your role sustainably. Just be professional in how you go about it.
  • There will be times when staying late or coming in early works in your favour — for learning opportunities, patient continuity, or team engagement—but this should not an expectation and ideally you should choose when this occurs.

Key challenges and how to navigate them

1. Committed to something outside of work? Plan ahead.

  • Get your roster early: Under the Victorian Doctor in Training Agreement - Clause 35.2 rosters should be provided with sufficient notice (28 days notice). Once you have your roster you can then plan your life and commitments around it. If your roster isn’t on time, raise this with medical workforce or AMA Victoria.
  • Communicate in advance: If you have a significant commitment, such as a wedding, an important family or social event, or sports competition, request leave or shift swaps well ahead of time.
  • Be proactive: If you need to leave on time for an external commitment, let your colleagues and supervisor know in advance. Organise your workload for a smooth handover.

2. Leaving on time – the nuances

Leaving on time isn’t always straightforward in a hospital setting, but it also shouldn’t be an exception. While patient care comes first, consistently staying late shouldn’t be the norm.

Things to consider:

  • Your shift has an end time for a reason — you are not obligated to stay unless clinically necessary.
  • Prioritise tasks throughout the day to complete critical work within your rostered hours. If this remains difficult despite your best efforts, raise it with your supervisor. If the issue is widespread, discuss it collectively with colleagues and escalate to Medical Workforce. If you’re unsure how to proceed, reach out to AMA Victoria for support.
  • If staying late is unavoidable, claim your unrostered overtime. The Victorian Doctor in Training Agreement entitles you to compensation for additional hours worked. The Victorian Doctors in Training Overtime Class Action has reinforced the importance of claiming what you are owed.
  • If you choose to stay back for learning or team engagement, do so on your own terms — occasional discretionary effort is different from being expected to stay back regularly.

3. Taking breaks is essential, not optional

  • You are entitled to breaks — use them. A short pause can significantly improve focus and decision-making.
  • If you are constantly missing breaks due to workload, raise this as a workplace concern.
  • Normalise taking breaks by encouraging colleagues to do the same and supporting each other.

4. Managing the pressure to take on extra work

  • Just because overtime is available doesn’t mean you must take it.
  • If additional shifts compromise your health or other commitments, it’s okay to politely decline.
  • If you feel pressured, seek support from AMA Victoria or senior colleagues who respect work-life balance.

5. Professional development: making time for growth

  • Courses and study requirements: Study time must be scheduled into rostered downtime, as the Doctor in Training (DIT) Enterprise Agreement does not include study leave. However, for exams, DITs are entitled to Exam Leave (Clause 49.1). Mandatory training should be completed during rostered work hours or, if not possible, claimed as paid overtime.
  • Conferences and workshops: DITs are entitled to Conference Leave (Clause 50.1) but must apply by March 31 of the year they wish to attend. For workshops or optional training, request to be rostered off or apply for annual leave.
  • Balancing work and learning: Set aside dedicated study time. If workload consistently prevents this, escalate the issue.

Practical steps to assert your boundaries

  • Set expectations early: Make it clear that you respect your roster and plan your commitments accordingly.
  • Use the tools available: Keep track of your hours, claim overtime, and be aware of your entitlements.
  • Seek support: If you struggle to enforce boundaries, talk to a mentor, AMA Victoria, or a senior doctor who values wellbeing.

Setting boundaries early as a junior doctor isn’t just about protecting yourself—it’s about creating sustainable habits that will serve you throughout your career. Work will always be there, but your time and wellbeing are irreplaceable.

Get involved!

We're actively working to support Doctors in Training in managing work-life boundaries through the current Enterprise Bargaining Agreement process — negotiating and enforcing your rights on your behalf. While we've made significant progress, there’s still much more to do.

So, thank you for being an AMA Victoria intern member and we encourage you to get involved in the process and have your say.

A strong membership is essential to driving this work forward.