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This page houses curated resources for members looking for further reading and other ‘toolkit’ type articles to support professional learning and development. 

Resources are in three broad categories – longer, in-depth reads; shorter ‘how-to’ articles, and books and webinars for following up areas of interest.      

  • General articles on Leadership: These explore concepts and theories in leadership that underpin effective leadership skills, behaviours, and practices for individuals and organisations.
  • ‘How to’ articles: These articles focus on specific tips and pointers on how to build your leadership skills and enact effective behaviours successfully.
  • Talks, webinars, and podcasts: These often feature leading thinkers in the area who are authors or the above articles.
  • Books: These are usually the books written by authors and research profiled above, and to which the articles are derived from or contribute to.

Please find below a selection of resources to support your leadership coaching work and general interest in the leadership area. Some articles are free to access, others are not – the link will take you to the original publication.

Leadership insights

AMA Victoria publishes 'Leadership Insight' articles for you to read, learn and apply fortnightly. Click below to read the series. 



Leadership articles in VICDOC

General articles on leadership      

Leadership thinkers are increasingly focussing on the need to be flexible and fast-moving: Agile and adaptive. The situations leaders face – both day-to-day and more generally – are characterised by much uncertainty, change and ambiguity. To be effective, leaders need to expect that they will consistently need to adapt and change their processes and solutions and build the capacity in themselves and those around them to do this. These articles paint ‘the work of leadership’ against this backdrop. 

Leading self 

These articles focus more on the characteristics of leaders, rather than the work of leadership. This focus draws more attention to the self, the person who is in the role of leader, and how they can use and strengthen this foundation to be more effective leaders. Core aspects of this are developing self-awareness, emotional agility and emotional intelligence for leadership.  

Teams and psychological safety 

Professional relationships and networks


Mentors and sponsors

Inclusive leadership

Leading for gender equity

Managing oneself and self-care

These articles provide some insight into a range of topics that are part of life, and which can make work difficult and overwhelming at times. This is a look at how we can acknowledge and address the times when we, or our colleagues, are not well, or experience other difficult and traumatic things in their lives that impact work, and how we can support them, ourselves and the work when this happens. 

Pregnancy and transition to parenthood

‘How to’ articles 

The next set of articles is more about ‘How to’ style articles. These have a more specific focus and they focus on more concrete skills and behaviours for enacting leadership effectively in particular situations or tasks. 

Leading exhausted teams

Crisis leadership and uncertainty 

First time in management – and managing yourself and career progression 

Feedback – giving, receiving and seeking feedback effectively

Difficult conversations and conflict 





Susan David 

Please send us any other books you have found useful – we’d love to hear from you!